Course one graduation is a round the corner exactly on the 2nd of Sept 2011. At total of 100 students will be graduating at the St. Teresa hall in Eastleigh. This will then be followed up by a picnic at the Arboretum on the 3rd of September 2011. In this picnic we shall talk about business club and the practice of saving.

Recruitment drive: Usually, third and fourth quotas experience dry spell of students into the program. Therefore NairoBits needs to start recruiting in earnest. This should start on the 22nd of August 2011.

CBO workshop: We shall host a CBO workshop/meeting on the 24th of August 2011. The program outlining the workshop/meeting will be out soonest next week on 16th August 2011. The venue will NairoBits main center while the theme would be ‘Conducting Monitoring and Evaluation’

Focused Group Discussion and Excursion at Karura Forest on the 17th of September 2011. The theme of the FGD would be ‘business club formation and savings’ .A program and a budget for the day is expected by 19th August 2011. Students will contribute Kshs 500 to the FGD kitty and NairoBits will top up the deficit of the budget.