
During this time of the year we have so many school leavers searching for opportunities and spaces in collages and universities. A handful of them are sure of places within the tertiary institution but majority are left to fumble with high cost of fee through parallel degrees or expensive substandard training institutions. The situation get worse when we move into the informal settlements where hundreds of school leavers have no chances for entry into the collages or universities due to known reasons. Some of them can barely afford the fees charged in these institutions,others are plagued with issues like early marriages,drugs related complications, lack of information on opportunities and generally all the elements of youth vulnerability in the informal settlements.

These high school leavers are usually eager to keep themselves busy given the amount of time they have in hand especially after a stringent schedule we have in high schools. If left loose and not engaged they slowly progress into social misfit behaviors that have been a common feature of our slums.

As an NGO working in the field of ICT(Multimedia and design) we have golden opportunities for such fresh graduates who have no opportunities and reside in the informal settlements. Each year we are funded by our supportive donors like Kinder Not Hilfe (KNH),Samsung Real Dreams,IYF,Turin foundation,EU and Terre Des Hommes to provide skills ,knowledge and information on opportunities to these youth.

We have course one students recruitments scheduled for January,March,June,and September for this year. So far we have just registered 130 school leavers into our program for the first quarter of 2011.We are encouraging more youth to keep registering for this rear life changing opportunity. Amongst the skills they will acquire during this quota are ICT and design,Soft skills and entrepreneurship.